Engines manufactured since 2008 have had to meet increasingly restrictive EPA guidelines. As a result, equipment is now running much leaner than older equipment. It doesn’t take much to knock a lean-running engine off kilter. 91 – 93 octane gasoline is cleaner and has additives that the cheaper gas doesn’t. As a result, your engine will run more smoothly.
FAQ Group: Fuel Issues
Why should I use a fuel-stabilizer?
Fuel with ethanol begins to turn after one week. It’s an organic substance made from corn. It doesn’t want to stay chemically bound to gasoline, and will separate from it. It absorbs moisture, which causes ethanol to gel. It rots rubber, corrodes metal, and generally causes havoc within any fuel system. Note: If you have hand-held equipment with clear fuel lines; over time, you will see an accumulation of ethanol. Ethanol will coat the fuel lines, as well as your carburetor. Adding a fuel treatment to your oil/fuel mix fuel will cut down on the time it takes to have this happen.
I’m buying ethanol-free gas. Why should I still use a fuel-stabilizer?
Ethanol-free fuel begins to turn after two weeks. Eventually it turns to a varnish-like substance that can clog up your fuel system. A few dollars invested in fuel treatment (which you add to your gas can before adding gas) can help prevent the fuel from turning up to a year.
What should I treat my fuel with?
We have been successfully selling the B3C line of products, such as Ethanol Shield and Mechanic in a Bottle, to pre-treat gas bought at the pump, as well as solve problems caused by ethanol. We also sell a line of Tru-fuel products as gas-station alternatives for the occasional user or as a storage use alternative. Come in or call us for more information on these products.
Are there any other fuel tips I should consider?
When buying gas at the station, keep in mind that multi-grade fuel pumps may have 1/3 to 1 gallon of gas that the previous customer purchased. You may want to pump a gallon of hi-test into you car prior to filling your gas can.